My Blog

...Jessica Leigh...

Monday, May 16, 2011


I am suddenly feeling incredibly motivated. I've been on a pretty good streak of working out and eating well for a while... but all the sudden I'm just feelin... GOOD! Today I changed my phone number and that also made be breathe a huge sigh of relief. There's something about the fact that only the people I personally contacted now have my number. It's a South Carolina number which also goes along with this new trend I've had. I recently bought a new car... with South Carolina plates AND changed my license to SC. Goodness... there's no traces of New York anywhere. What to do, what to do. I need some Lucio's Pizza or something. OH! I know. I bought a GIANTS decal to put on the back window of my car, that's got to count for something, right? Any ideas on how to hold onto my New York-er-ness (yes, my new word) please leave a comment. I literally have zero NY accent left and probably sound a little Southern to all my New York friends. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO MEEEEE!?!??! Y'ALL!!! HELP!!! (Just kidding with the y'all... sort of). I know I called New York "home" in my previous entry, and I probably always will refer to it as "home" ... but it's feeling more and more like my vacation spot everyday. Sorry Mom, that probably made you sad. But anyway, like I've said... I've made myself quite a home down here in the good ol' South. All my college friends are down here and it has a very home-y feeling to it. All I need to complete my home is a furry friend. I really really want a cat. I guess I'll save that for another post.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


I've never been good at keeping a diary. I guess that's why I suck at keeping a blog... the 21st century diary. Last time I wrote, it was September... just the beginning of the school. Now it's May 15 and I have about two weeks left of school. It's crazy how fast this year has gone. I cannot believe that I'm almost done with my first year of teaching. It has been an amazing experience I thank God everyday that I was able to get a job in this cruddy economy. I have been beyond blessed with the students and co-workers that I have in my life. Although I am far away from my family, I am content with the life I've made for myself here. Do I regret a few things? Sure. Do I wish I was closer to home? Yes. But, life throws you obstacles and this is just one I have to leap over.

I have been tested this whole year with becoming independent. Growing up, I always leaned on my parents. If I didn't know the answer to something, I would just ask Mommy or Daddy. Now with me in the real world... full of insurance and bills and all this other stuff, I am definitely finding myself more independent. I am also more independent in the fact that Jordan moved to Atlanta for work. I am thrilled for him that he has a job he genuinely loves and he can thrive in, but sometimes it's hard not being able to see him whenever I want. I'm used to getting what I want, and I always have, but now it's a little different. His job has crazy hours. He works for the Gwinnett Braves, and when the team has a home stand, (about 7 games in a row) Jordan works 8:30am to 10:30 pm everyday. It's crazy. I definitely could not do that. Anyways, this summer will be great because I'll get to see him every other week, maybe even more.

Well, I'm glad I had a chance to write on here and catch my avid readers up on my life. I am going to make an effort to update this more. Then again, I said that last time... we'll see.