My Blog

...Jessica Leigh...

Friday, June 25, 2010

What's up Blog World?

So I have been thinking about making a blog for a while now... Not because I have a bunch of great stuff to share with the world, but because I have a lot I just want to get down for myself. I have always been the one to start a journal on the 1st of January... complete a few entries, and then never go back to it. After finding about four journals with five entries each, I decided to buckle down and BLOG! Thanks to Sara Roe and her amazing blog, I have gotten the inspiration to begin this journey. So thanks to all those bloggers out there, I hope that I don't disappoint! 

1 comment:

  1. I am soooo glad to know I was the inspiration for your blog! Love you and can't wait to keep up with all the gossip here while I am in the UK!!
