This Valentine's Day was not the best I've had... going through break ups in February seem to be my calling. Why not? February is the shortest month... my birthday... AND Valentine's Day. There's always room for some heartache too. Anyways. SO... what to do when your heart is ripped out and you want nothing more than to cry all day everyday? Well... Go shopping. Yeah, of course, retail therapy does it for me EVERY TIME. However, the mall started to get a little old, so what else is there to do? Go punch things at 9 Round! Yeah, that takes out some aggression, but I need more... I got it... GET A CAT! Duh. So that's exactly what I did. Eli Manning the cat is probably the most amazing cat you'll ever meet. You say you don't like cats? I DARE you to meet Eli and tell me you don't like him. It's impossible. I'm pretty sure he thinks he is a dog (he fetches) and he definitely knows how to talk. He says words like "Hello" "Ouch" and "Mom". Brilliant. My year started off very shaky in the beginning but I can now happily say that I have another man in my life and his name is Eli Manning.

Eli in his FAVORITE (and by favorite, I mean h
e absolutely HATES) jersey! Thanks mom for getting him a Jersey that says NEW YORK and #10 on it. Purrrrrrfect.
And there you have it... He fetches. I am not even lying. Sara can back me up on this.
I promise, I did not put him in there. He is just adventurous and stupid at times. His other hobbies also include hiding in kitchen cabinets and falling into toilets.
And finally, here is something you rarely see. Cats are known for being lazy and sleeping all day. Now... I don't know what he does all day while we're at school, but I do know that he is ABSOLUTELY insane when we come home. It's kind of nice when he's passed out.
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