Pretty Little Liars is the most addictive and intense show I've seen in a while. It's such a teenie bopper hit... but I love it. I follow every actress on Twitter, and yes, I tweet them just PRAYING for a retweet. I am a fan. I've been watching it since the beginning and also got my roomie into it-- it's a must see.

Next is GCB. I never thought I'd be into this "Good Christian Bitches" show. But hey, I'll try
anything once... and that's what I did with
this show. Danielle asked me to watch it with her since her girl friends don't watch "shows like these". Haha... she knew I did. And I'm so glad I did-- it's a winner.

I love everything about the show. I love Adam Levine's... well, his everything... I love Ceelo's cat and creepy comments... I love Blake's hair (?) (couldn't think of anything) ... and I love Christina's hair accessories.

Oh Dance Moms... This show makes me wish that I had a mom that forced me to dance everyday for 10+ hours a day. This show is so ridiculous and I love it.

I don't need to explain this one. I am Snooki... and I'm okay with it.

I used to be a huge fan of the Real World, but now I just think they're kind of lame. I only look forward to The Real World because that means that there will be another Challenge coming up. I think the kids they're choosing now are just NOT as good as the vets. I love me some CT and Brad... gah.

Ok. There is NOTHING about this woman that I don't like. I love her. I DVR every episode of Chelsea Lately and Are You There Chelsea. Although I am not a HUGE fan of her sitcom... I'm tryin, girl. Love love Love her.
Ok, believe it or not... I have plenty more on my DVR that I have not even shared on here. Thanks for lending me your ear (well... eyes) Now go watch some TV!!!
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